
Florida First Detector: Kudzu Bug, Bagrada Bug, and Brown Marmorated Stink Bug - FREE

Started Mar 22, 2018


Full course description

You’ve probably heard of the fast growing invasive kudzu weed but do you know about the kudzu bug? The kudzu bug, also referred to as the bean plataspid, lablab bug, or globular stink bug is a pest of bean crops. Another small sized stink bug pest to watch out for is the Bagrada bug which is native to Africa and has caused damage to cole crops since it was first detected in California in 2008. Finally, the brown marmorated stink bug is an invasive pest in the U.S. that causes damage to crops by piercing and sucking out the juices of the fruit or vegetable and is a nuisance pest to homeowners. The learning objectives are to understand the following regarding the pests:

• Hosts
• Distribution
• Damage
• Life Cycle
• Identification
• Monitoring
• Control
• Sample Submission

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