Florida Whitefly: Invasive Whitefly Pests of Florida for Landscape Professionals - FREE
Started Mar 27, 2018
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Full course description
The purpose of this module is to provide professional applicators in
the landscape and ornamental industry with the latest information
1) a general introduction of whiteflies and relevant previous whitefly problems in Florida
2) the latest status information on three current invasive pests—Bondar’s Nesting Whitefly (Paraleyrodes bondari), Ficus Whitefly (Singhiella simplex) and Rugose Spiraling Whitefly (Aleurodicus rugioperculatus)
of these species includes scouting and proper identification. This
module will especially emphasize the importance of correct species
identification for whitefly pests. Frequently, exotic species remain
undetected in generalized integrated pest management programs. The
learning objectives are to understand the following regarding the pests:
• Hosts
• Distribution
• Damage
• Life Cycle
• Identification
• Monitoring
• Biological Control
• Chemical Control
• Cultural Control